Wednesday, March 17, 2010
My New Blog 9:53 AM
Monday, March 8, 2010
the jQueryUI Button 9:20 PM
jQueryUI new feature, the jquery Button.
It works with ThemeRoller and applicable on any input buttons, submit and links!
I used to have a problem customizing my buttons, but now it's finally answered!
How to use? Simple:
$('button').button(); // on all button elements
$('a').button(); // on all anchor elements
$('input:submit').button(); // on all submit button elements
And everything should work fine.
And that's only the basic!
You can use it on radio inputs & checkboxes, add it with icons, use it as a toolbar or even a split button! Totally awesome!
Read more about it here: JqueryButton and check out all its example demos! :D
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Why Geeks Make Good Lovers 11:28 PM
Geeks don’t sleep around. Geeks, through their higher IQ and therefore greater understanding of the tragedy of human condition, know that the dice only seem to have more sides on the other side of the table. Hence, they instinctively stay loyal to their lovers through thick and thin. Their social skills are also not well developed enough to support an affair, and frankly, geeks generally aren’t quite sure how they ended up with the lover they have attracted. When you date a geek, you know the geek will be yours until you are done.Geeks are good at the things they try. When’s the last time you met a geek who didn’t have some secret skill just simmering below the surface of a simple-seeming life, honed in the wee hours of the night? It could be hacking, playing video games, or the ability to insert and remove those stupid computer power plug things from drives without cursing or breaking a finger. Let sex become their new favorite late-night hobby, and you know that a geek won’t quit until he or she has learned how to hack into your brainstem through specific genitalia interfacing in parallel with general dermal and oral bonding.
Geeks are not interested in status. Geeks became geeks because they chose to spend their time doing things that would not necessarily make them popular with everyone else in school, like sports and fashion. The ability to resist peer pressure is important to a geek. This means that a geek is more interested in their or your happiness than looking good to others, which will come in handy when either (a) you need attention, in any sort ranging from the nurturing to the lascivious, and also, because both of those things are not necessarily unorthagonal dimensions, any combination of the two, or (b) you need to be rescued because it is the climax of a teen 80’s movie. Or both.
Geeks haven’t formed bad habits. After years of serially dating lots of other women, many socially successful guys have become too confident to be intimate, think of women only for sex, and don’t have any intention of letting what in their minds is “just another girlfriend” enjoy the last spring roll. Let us not even pry into the diabolical, dark, twisted, and depraved mind of the girl who has serially dated many men. None of this is true of the geek, however. The lack of past romantic partners allows the geek to approach lovers with the zest of the neophyte. Geeks are not full of romantic confidence; however, once coaxed from their emotional holes like tame bunnies, they are eager to please and enjoy their newfound relationship.
Geeks can concentrate. Geeks can focus their energy on one task with the intensity of a hunting cheetah. Granted, the task they are focusing on may have more to do with hunting orcs with a +1 Sword of Piercing rather than hunting gazelles with claws, but the fact remains that a geek, once set upon a task and given Mountain Dew, becomes a tireless slave to their goal. Put a six-pack of Dew on the bedside table and a geek between the sheets, and you have found yourself one relentless lover. When’s the last time all night actually meant all night? When’s the last time you were with someone who, if they needed more of the night, knew how to get it?
Geeks have excellent finger dexterity. Geeks roll dice. Geeks play video games. Geeks flip pages in books. Geeks type a lot, and use characters like ~ and ^ and | that no one else has any use for. Geeks use calculators in postfix notation. As a result, a geek knows how to use his or her fingers to greatest possible effect. Whether you have a button that needs pushing or a joystick that needs joy, a geek is the person for the job.
Geeks have imagination. Once you have found your amazing lover, you wouldn’t want things to become boring. That is where geeks prove their real worth. Replayability is important to the value-conscious video-game playing geek, and this translates to relationships as well. Wouldn’t you want to date someone who has created a Quake 3 mod? Wouldn’t you want to date someone who has written steamy Everquest fan fiction involving elven incest? Wouldn’t you want to date someone who wished they were Morpheus rather than someone who wished they were Barry Bonds?
There are plenty of other reasons why geeks are the best lovers around, but don’t just take my word for it. Find the nearest sexy geek and coax that person into asking you out, even if you have to do so using instant messanger. Remember: the only non-sexy geek is a single geek.
A repost from: Mobscenity's blog
Friday, February 12, 2010
McDonalds and BioFlu 5:32 AM

It's still TGIF though, That's Great, It's Flu. (and I'm being sarcastic). :(
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
The Next Adviser of Juan dela Cruz 9:45 PM

Everyday, we are bombarded with choices.
What to wear, what food to eat, what jeepney to ride, if you have to go to your class or not, what sites to browse, etc.
But on May 10, 2010, we have a very important decision to make.
A choice that will change our country.
A choice that will lead its people to progress.
A choice that will earn every Filipino a job and an education.
A choice that will uplift our economy.
A choice for the new President of the Republic of the Philippines.
I myself have not yet decided on who to vote this election.
It's difficult especially when you don't know anyone in the running presidentiables.
So you read newspapers, search the internet, and ask some people about them.
And I must say, I have quite of information stocked in my brain about these people.
I learned about their background, their accomplishments and especially the controversies they were involved in.
Knowing all these, I have to decide on who deserves my vote. The lesser "evil" among them.
But even that, it's hard to know.
But there's one thing in my mind that concerns me more.
That is on what these leaders can give to our country.
Do they have the capabilities of uplifting our economy?
Do they have passion on helping the poor?
Do they value that much on education and innovation?
Do they have enough confidence and skills on making efforts for foreign investors to invest in our country?
Do they really mean when they say "I won't be corrupt again" and "I won't steal to the country's fund"?
Do they really have what it takes to run the country?
I think these questions should bear to us when choosing who to vote this election.
We should not be affected by their campaign ads, annoying jingles, their moms/dads/lolo/lola, or even the celebrities endorsing them.
None of that helps in improving our country.
What we need to think about is on what they can do.
Who is more realistic in their stategies?
Who has a "clean" record? And when I say "clean", I mean a lot good and helpful accomplishments.
By that, we can assess the things he/she can do for our country by the things he/she has already contributed.
Let's not depend on their blah-blah talks, but on the things they've done for us already.
Our country is already having a hard time.
Countless unemployed citizens, out-of-school youths, shortage of food, and corruption.
And we can't afford to add another bastard running our country for the next 6 years do nothing.
Our country needs us.
And all it takes is to vote for the right person.
This one vote will make a difference to our country.
So let's make the right choice.
Let us vote for the right person.
I am not encouraging you on the specific person to vote. We have different views in life. I just hope that at the end of the day, we have made the right decision.
Let us help our country.
It's the one vote that will change our life and way of living.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Tying the Strings 10:27 PM

It was really fun and I had learn soooo many things!
But the best part is that we we able to share to each other our hopes, problems, dreams, and inspirations that had molded us to become a person throughout our college life.
Yeah, college is never easy. Especially when you are a CS/IT student. All that thesis, projects, 10, 26, SAD, DB, Physics, Compiler. VERY STRESSFUL!
But in the end, you realize, when you are in the stage getting that diploma, you can say "YEY, I MADE IT AND IT'S ALL WORTH IT!"
Anyway, these strings are our way of expressing our affirmations, forgiveness and thanks to our friends who have been with us since college. I'm glad people expressed their feeling towards each other, able to patch unresolved issues, and thankful for being always there when in need.
3 weeks to go people and we'll see each other HOPEFULLY in SOUTH CAMPUS practicing our graduation march. :)