It was really fun and I had learn soooo many things!
But the best part is that we we able to share to each other our hopes, problems, dreams, and inspirations that had molded us to become a person throughout our college life.
Yeah, college is never easy. Especially when you are a CS/IT student. All that thesis, projects, 10, 26, SAD, DB, Physics, Compiler. VERY STRESSFUL!
But in the end, you realize, when you are in the stage getting that diploma, you can say "YEY, I MADE IT AND IT'S ALL WORTH IT!"
Anyway, these strings are our way of expressing our affirmations, forgiveness and thanks to our friends who have been with us since college. I'm glad people expressed their feeling towards each other, able to patch unresolved issues, and thankful for being always there when in need.
3 weeks to go people and we'll see each other HOPEFULLY in SOUTH CAMPUS practicing our graduation march. :)
congrats in advance :)
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