Because I am one of the FIRST beta testers of this really really cool Twitter app, just like when you test a medicine to a guinea pig. (No, I'm not promoting animal abuse here. That's because of that Nutty Professor movie. :) )
Tweetitow is a mobile Twitter application that lets you send tweets to your twitter account for only Php 1.00 .. And I bet there's a lot of applications rising today that also has the same service, but I will tell you why Tweetitow is TOTALLY different from these other applications.
It's Free.
No, it's not free FREE, okay?
It's free because tweetitow doesn't charge you for anything when sending tweets, but you will only pay the charge of your mobile network (Globe, Sun, Smart), that is Php1..
And all other features, tweetitow won't charge you for anything yet as long as you have enough CREDITS to use their features.
Now, what are credits?
Credits, for me, are the so-called your "tweetitow money". These are your "money" when using their features (will talk more later about it's features). Upon registration, tweetitow will give you 30 credits, and it will refilled 50 credits everyday. Credits are NOT text loads. Like I said, they're virtual money to use the features of Tweetitow.
What are these features you're talkin' about?
These features makes tweetitow waaaaaay different from other applications. With tweetitow, you can also send direct messages to users, follow users and allow to send to your phone their tweets, retrieve the latest tweets on your timeline and give credits to other tweetitow users!
Cool, I wanna try it now!
To register, type:
Regand send it toyourTwitterUserName yourPassword
ex. Reg fredbaa abc123def
Globe: 09273389183
Smart: 09281020579
SUN: 09239860673
And wait for the confirmation message that you're already registered to tweetitow!
To send tweets:
Simple, just type in your tweet and send it to the numbers above where you registered. No hassle keywords or anything. To create a mention, just add the @ prefix on usernames, and it will send it directly to that user and appear on your timeline. To create a direct message, just type "d username yourmessage" just like when sending direct messages. So you see, its the same on what you're doing on Twitter.
Mentions and Direct Messages:
This is where the credits come in. When someone mentions you (@fredbaa for example) or sends you a direct message, it automatically sends it to your phone. It does not charge your text load, but on your credits (tweetitow money). And the convenience of it is really cool because you don't have to refresh and refresh your twitter page just to check if someone sent you a DM or mentions you, but it sends it DIRECTLY to your phone. Isn't it amazing? Try it by sending your own username a mention or a DM.
How about Facebook status updates?
And the goodness about it is you can actually connect your Twitter account to Facebook, which when you update your Twitter status, it will update your facebook status as well.
Just change the settings in here: How to Connect Twitter to Facebook
I have probably told you the basics, but if you wanna try other features, check out Tweetitow's website here.
I'm still a FAN of tweetitow and will always be.
If you want a really convenient way of tweeting, then try the application. It's the cherry on your ice cream. It's really sweet! :)
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