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I'm used to going to school early in the morning.It's like my entire school life is about waking up early in the morning..But it's just this school year when I feel like it's really tiring do such thing.Maybe because of sleeping so late, or maybe I'm just getting old (I'm 21, I'm not that old)..That's when I realized that there are things I have to consider for me to really wake up early in the morning to avoid hassles, or deprivation of sleep when I come to class.Tips on waking up early in the morning:1. Sleep early Trust me, it nev
er fails. When you sleep early, you wake up early. It's not really necessary you spend 8 hours of sleep (like for babies..hehe), but just enough to make you stand up when you hear the alarm, and enough not to touch the snooze button. :)2. Speaking of alarms, NEVER TRUST THE ALARM CLOCK. I'm not saying it wo
n't help you wake up early, but because we have the tendency to snooze it. I have this experience that I set my alarm 5am, but I was still sleepy, so I snooze it, thinking it would alarm again after 5-10 minutes. The next thing I realized, it was 8am already. I never heard the snooze again. It happened to me like a couple of times already. Alarm clocks are tools to help us wake up, but it's still our decision to stand up and get away from our comfy bed.3. Be Coffee-free
is quick, easy and cheap for most of us on the go in the morning, but consider other caffeinated, sugary options. Tea is ideal for those who are not only willing to start their mornings off on the right foot, but are willing to kick their caffeine addiction. Most black teas even include the same amount of caffeine as coffee without the consequences of crashing. Believe it or not, orange juice has also been proven to jump start the body after a restless night of sleep. The sugar content will give you just enough energy to make it through the morning while providing you with your daily dose of Vitamin C. All of these drinks are bound to get you going, but remember, nothing beats revitalizing yourself with eight hours of sleep. (Source:* except for Starbucks. No one can resist Starbucks. :) *4. Bath and Brush before and after sleeping It'll help you
wake up comfortable, and not feeling any "hassles or uncomfyness". By feeling fresh, you will not feel sleepy on your classes/job, but only a prepared mind and confident self.5. Discipline.Yes, young Jedi. DISCIPLINE. Try doing it for 14 days until it becomes part of your daily routine. DISCIPLINE. Control yourself from sleep slavery. DISCIPLINE. No snoozing of alarm clocks. Wake up when it's already ringing. DISCIPLINE.You're a hypocrite if you say you love waking up early in the morning.I mean, who does?!But my motivations are it helps me discipline myself, and it makes me focus in my classes.And I believe it will also affect on my performance by being focus.So guys, if I were you, practice waking up early. It's good for the health, for the mind and for your school/work.*Actually, I still kinda suck at my tips, but I'm trying really hard this sem to wake up early again. :) *
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